1 phase fight with an enrage at 30% HP.
Being close to others will empower the boss faster. Assign your range positions before the fight.
The boss summons some adds immune to AoE damage.
Assign controls beforehand for the adds. They most likely would kill their target if they reach them, also empowering Saurfang in the process.
Shortly after summoning Blood Beast, Saurfang empowers them.
Saurfang heals for 20% HP if a player dies with Mark of the Fallen Champion.
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Have your ranged players' spread and your add CCs assigned before the fight.
Players shouldn't move unless they need to CC a beast.
The boss ramps his damage up, making him deadlier with time.
Save your Bloodlust for the 30% HP enrage.
Saurfang summons 2 beasts (5 in 25man) every 40s. They cannot be AoE'd down. Kill them using single target abilities or DoTs
You must control them, they deal huge damage and empower the boss on each melee.
Place a hunter trap on each spawn and prepare to use mass stuns knockbacks to force the adds into the snare trap for as long as you can.
Shortly after summoning Blood Beasts, the boss empowers them. They slow nearby players' by 80% gain 300% damage for 10s.
They will one shot anyone they melee. Have a proper CC rotation and your range players prioritize them.
Blood Power is the core mechanic of the fight. For each point of energy, the boss' damage is increased by 1%.
He gains Blood Power from Boiling Blood, Blood Nova, Rune of Blood, and his Blood Beasts melee attack.
He will reach 100% energy multiple times through the fight.
Be careful when he reaches high energy as his damage are greatly increased, including ticks from any DoT he inflicts.
The boss casts a 12y AoE damage at a random player. The more players get hit, the more energy he gets.
Stay spread and stick to your assigned position.
Deadly debuff on random players. The boss deals damage to them on each melee attack.
If a player dies with Mark, the boss heals for 5% HP.
Focus heal debuffed players. Be extra careful on high level of Blood Power!
Inflicts a 24s bleed on a player (3 players in 25 man). Each tick increases Saurfang's energy.
This can be immuned or Hand of Protection to negate the energy gains.
At 30% HP, the boss enrages and gain 30% attack speed, increasing his Blood Power generation.
Use Bloodlust to kill him faster, he's more dangerous than ever.
At this point, any death from a marked player will likely lead to a wipe.
Blood Power is the core mechanic of the fight. For each point of energy, the boss' damage is increased by 1%.
He gains Blood Power from Boiling Blood, Blood Nova, Rune of Blood, and his Blood Beasts melee attack.
He will reach 100% energy multiple times through the fight.
Be careful when he reaches high energy as his damage are greatly increased, including ticks from any DoT he inflicts.
Deadly debuff on random players. The boss deals damage to them on each melee attack.
If a player dies with Mark, the boss heals for 5% HP.
Focus heal debuffed players. Be extra careful on high level of Blood Power!
The boss casts a 12y AoE damage at a random player. The more players get hit, the more energy he gets.
Stay spread and stick to your assigned position.
Inflicts a 24s bleed on a player (3 players in 25 man). Each tick increases Saurfang's energy.
This can be immuned or Hand of Protection to negate the energy gains.
Applies a debuff on a tank. Each melee attack on that tank heals the boss.
Swap tank on each application.
At 30% HP, the boss enrages and gain 30% attack speed, increasing his Blood Power generation.
Use Bloodlust to kill him faster, he's more dangerous than ever.
At this point, any death from a marked player will likely lead to a wipe.